Breese Historical Society

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Mural East 1

  E2 -  Hospital

The Sisters soon realized that if St. Joseph’s was going to provide all the services necessary for a general hospital, more room would be needed.  By 1927, a $64,000 addition (to the right of the original structure) had been completed providing more patient rooms, new lavatories on each floor, two operating rooms with a small sterilizing room, a doctor’s room with a shower and an electric elevator.  According to a 1935 commemorative booklet, the first baby born at St. Joseph’s was Herman Harter in 1921 followed by Joseph Holthaus in 1922.  Two babies were born in 1923, Amelia Wesselmann and Leodes Hemann, followed by three in 1925.  The same booklet notes the hospital had 60 patients in 1921, 153 in 1922 and 240 for each of 1923 qnd 1924.


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